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Coffee Cup Lids

Lid Enviro PLA (To Suit 4oz PLAnet Skinny Range White Cups) 62mm

Product Code: EC-4EL

Units per Measure: 1000
Key Features
Made from paperboard and lined with PLA and fully renewable
Suitable for hot and cold drinks
Can be put into a commercial / industrial composter to break down into compost
$57.99 ex GST
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Qty Each
Item Specifications
Colour White
Brand Envirochoice
Product Material PLA - Polylactic Acid
Compostable Yes
Food Grade Yes
Microwave Safe No
Oven Safe No
Product Dimensions 62mm
Recyclable No
Case Specifications
Barcode Case (GTIN) 19326109003833
Carton Height (mm) 235
Carton Length (mm) 340
Carton Width (mm) 275
Case Weight 2.30
Units per Carton 1000
Pack Specifications
Barcode Pack (EAN) 9326109003836
Units per Pack 50
Plastic Ban Dates
WA Ban 1/03/2024

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