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  • VIC Single Use Plastic Ban

VIC Single Use Plastic Ban

The Victorian Government has banned problematic single-use plastic items, as outlined in the Environment Protection Amendment (Banning Single-use Plastic Items) Regulations 2022. 

There are five exceptions to the ban, outlined below:

  1. Plastic drinking straws for those who need them due to a disability or for medical reasons
  2. Plastic cotton bud sticks for scientific, medical, forensic or law enforcement purposes.
  3. Plastic cutlery, when necessary, in correctional and mental health facilities to prevent physical harm or injury
  4. Paper or cardboard plates lined with plastic (Until 1 November 2024)
  5. Plastic items that are integrated into food or drink packaging, such as a plastic spoon included in a yogurt tub (Until 1 January 2026).

Banned February 1st 2023

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